WISDOMS™ Chats are paused for THOUGHT!

From the 1st Sep 2021 we will be stopping our daily & weekly WISDOMS™ Chats zoom sessions.

Please stay connected for news about the next steps.

This is not the end simply the next step in the evolution of our goal to positively impact a million+ lives around the globe.

WISDOMS™ Chats has been on air since 26th March 2020. The day before the South African lockdown for the global pandemic was implemented. Today was day 523, the first six weeks of this time period we were on air 7 days a week. Thereafter we moved to five days a week and later introduced the UK and USA sessions on Wednesdays in addition to our daily South African sessions.

We had the privilege and opportunity to meet you and many other amazing people in this process. The personal insights, stories and WISDOM shared has been beyond our wildest dreams and we thank you and all our other participants for this.

We invite YOU to be part of this next stage.

Great At What YOU Do Online? WISDOMS™ Wants To Collaborate With YOU For Mutual-Benefit

Just some of the resources we have developed are:

Web Page: https://www.wisdoms123.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WISDOMS123
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wisdoms_123
Find our WISDOMS™ Chats recordings on YouTube : https://www.wisdoms123.com/chats-youtube
Snippets of WISDOMS™ can be found here : https://www.wisdoms123.com/snippets
Interviews with Authors can be found here : https://www.wisdoms123.com/authors
WISDOMS™ Global Summits on YouTube : https://www.wisdoms123.com/summits
WISDOMS™ Global Leadership Masterclass promo: https://youtu.be/CJN0OdPne5I

WISDOMS™ Co-Founded/Co-Developed/Co-Hosted Projects
COMMUNITY Chamber of Commerce : https://communitychamber.world
VIRTUAL Trade Fair . africa : https://virtualtradefair.africa
VIRTUAL Trade Fair . global : https://virtualtradefair.global
VIRTUAL Mall : https://virtualmall.africa
QUANTUM Business Show – 17th December 2020 : https://bbxuk.virtualtradefair.global
‘The world’s first 24hr virtual global event for small business and entrepreneurs. Across three time zones.’

We look forward to the next steps in this process and hope that you can join us on this journey too.

The WISDOMS™ Team.