If you are a coach, facilitator, or learning and development consultant then you may want to bring additional tools and resources to your existing clients as well as expand your business. Come join the WISDOMS Tribe as a facilitator and trainer to see how simple it can be.
From our first Licensee:
“As a facilitator of over thirty years I have built my learning and development business in a multitude of ways. I have designed my own material, paid royalties for other’s IP and formed partnerships to share and expand our joint offerings. All of these have contributed to expanding and diversifying what I bring to my clients so that I am current and relevant.
WISDOMS has not only provided me with content and processes that have impacted and built my client base, it has grown me as a person and has equipped me to not only cope with the roller coaster of life and business, but enjoy the ride!
– Leigh Harrison
The process will be as follows:
All the content for the six module personal, team and business development WISDOMS programs from Attitude to Business Mastery is provided.
The content is in the form of PowerPoints, Learner and Facilitator Guides, Videos and Digital formats.
Depending on the package you choose there are also profiling and engagement tools.
The Licensee process begins with a three-day immersion experience as a participant in a WISDOMS Bootcamp.
Training is then offered in how to facilitate and provide the WISDOMS programs.
You will also be equipped in how to market and sell WISDOMS to clients.
You will be provided with marketing material and templates.
A track record and credibility has already been established. Testimonials will be provided.
A website is available for reference.
Depending on the package you choose, you can also get a lead-a-day.
- All Wisdoms Content
- Administration Templates
- Marketing And Brand Support
- Training In Delivery
- Micro-Learning App
- Training In Client Approach
- Measurment Tools
- A Lead A Day
- Business Coaching
- All Wisdoms Content
- Administration Templates
- Marketing And Brand Support
- Training In Delivery
- Micro-Learning App
- Training In Client Approach
- Measurment Tools
- A Lead A Day
- Business Coaching
- All Wisdoms Content
- Administration Templates
- Marketing And Brand Support
- Training In Delivery
- Micro-Learning App
- Training In Client Approach
- Measurment Tools
- A Lead A Day
- Business Coaching