Give and Get

Give and Get

“The world does not owe you a living. It was here first.” — Mark Twain. By ‘living’ I think this means more than just money in your pocket, although this too. Living is embracing the fullness of life and all its dimensions. But it’s not going to be handed to you. Does...

“F” It Thinking!

“F” It Thinking!

There are two “f” ways of thinking. And you thought there was only one! We have to improve the quality of our thinking. We can’t rely on previous paradigms. There is no guarantee that what worked in the past is going to work in the future. In fact, we not want it to....

The Speed of Trust

The Speed of Trust

Trust is essential but we’re not sure how to build it. Fortunately, Stephen M.R. Covey, son of Stephen Covey of Seven Habits fame, wrote a book called The Speed of Trust. In the book Covey makes the business case for trust. He illustrates over and over that high...

What Riches Do You Seek?

What Riches Do You Seek?

Many a quest starts with the protagonist seeking their fortune. They come from some lowly or forgotten place which holds few to no opportunities. Their desire is to set off from this little place to find something bigger, better and richer. Sounds like me! I grew up...

Be Wise – Admit You’re Ignorant

Be Wise – Admit You’re Ignorant

In the movie Pink Panther Strikes Again Inspector Clouseau, played by Peter Sellers, walks into a small, slightly run down but quaint hotel foyer. After checking in he spies a cute little dog and turns to the concierge behind the reception desk asking in his terrible...

Stories of Resilience

Stories of Resilience

A controversial political figure in the early part of the 21st Century, Elizabeth Edwards wrote a book called Resilience. Controversial because the image she portrayed in her books and in the public arena of a brave woman supporting her husband’s presidential...